Benefits of Sapota (Chikoo)

 Seven benefits of     Sapota(Chikoo)

Chikoo, also known as Sapota, is a delectable and calorie-rich fruit belonging to the Sapotaceae family. Scientifically named Manilkara zapota, it traces its origins to the rainforests of Central America, specifically in Mexico and Belize, and has found its way to India and Pakistan. This tropical fruit, often recognized for its brown skin, features an oval or round shape. In its unripe state, the fruit boasts a firm surface and white pulp, owing to a high latex content. As it ripens, the latex diminishes, giving way to a brown-colored flesh with distinctive black, shiny, bean-like seeds at the core.

Energy Boost: Chikoo, or Sapota, is a potent source of glucose and calories, making it an excellent energy booster. Ideal for quick replenishment during workouts, it caters to the increased energy demands of children and pregnant women.

Immunity Support: Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, Sapota enhances immunity by combating toxins. Its polyphenol content helps ward off diseases, and its antibacterial and anti-viral properties protect against harmful microbes.

Skin Health: Rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and dietary fibers, Chikoo promotes healthy and glowing skin. Vitamin E moisturizes the skin, while antioxidants combat aging by eliminating free radicals. Sapota seeds' kernel oil reduces skin inflammation.

Hair Benefits: Sapota's essential nutrients, particularly in its seed oil, contribute to healthy hair. The oil moisturizes and softens hair, especially beneficial for unmanageable curly hair. It also addresses itchy skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis and supports hair growth.

Gut Health: With ample dietary fibers and tannins, Sapota aids gut health by neutralizing acid secretio cann. Effective against hyperacidity symptoms, it acts as a laxative, relieving constipation and reducing intestinal infections.

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Bone Strength: Abundant in calcium, phosphorus, and iron, Sapota supports strong bones. The essential minerals play a role in various bodily functions, including promoting proper bone growth.

Cancer Protection: Rich in antioxidants, Sapota lowers the risk of different cancers. Vitamins A and B contribute to maintaining mucus linings, reducing the risk of lung and oral cancers. The dietary fiber content aids healthy bowel movements, crucial for preventing colon calon Cancer.

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