How to Survive When Stores Are Empty, There's No Electricity & 911 Doesn't Reply


How to Survive

When Stores Are Empty, There's No Electricity & 911 Doesn't Reply 


  • Make powerful medicinal remedies from scratch...
  • Preserve and stockpile HUGE quantities of delicious food that never (ever!) spoils.
  • Enjoy a steady supply of fresh clean water - 100% off grid


It's all inside:

 The Most Powerful Remedies WeLost to History


  • Create Powerful Disinfectants at Home

After all, antiseptics are one of history's great life savers. But what if they vanish from stores? Luckily, this simple substitute is as easy as 1-2-3.


  • Make Your Own Highly Effective Painkillers

Great for toothaches, chronic pain, and injuries. Without addictive drugs.

  • Safely Treat Wounds, Breaks, & Burns

Because there's nothing worse than being unable to help a loved one in need.


  • Quickly Soothe a Sore Throat or Cough...

No bitter tastes or itchiness. Instead, these tasty remedies leave victims singing.

  • How to Make "Frontier Penicillin"

Used for centuries to keep infection away with just a handful of items you probably have in your kitchen right now.


Plus, a whole lot more.

Such as how to treat cold sores, warts, or fungal infections, soothe away inflammation, arthritis, and exactly what to do if someone you love has been poisoned!

There's almost too much to choose from. Including...

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